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The digital assistant is able to be used on desktop computers, thanks to Windows Users can use their voice to have Cortana search for files or start emails. They can be very specific about what they want by having the assistant t look for things by dates or it can even launch programs without any mouse clicks. Speaking of which…. Besides Cortana, it is just easier for people to find what programs are running and switch between them.

In the past, people had to figure out what was what by looking at windows piled up on top of each other. That is not the case anymore — they can run multiple sets of windows as if it was on another monitor.

Apple users might recognize this feature — they can do the same thing with Spaces on OS X. Yes, Internet Explorer is no more. Microsoft retired it from the wars against Firefox and Google Chrome. Instead, users can look up web pages on Microsoft Edge.

There are things in it like the ability to use PDFs, read long articles in a better layout, and users can write notes on things and then share them with others. Cortana is embedded in here, so it can help people do things like issue a voice command to search for an email for something like the time of a reservation for a play or a flight.

There was a time when people had to download different apps for different devices, like smartphones, tablets, and PCs. That is not the case anymore.

The code is basically the same for all of them, so everything can be retrieved through the cloud on the Microsoft OneDrive and then worked on. People can start a Word document and then continue it on a tablet or phone as they commute to work, for example.

These are just some of the things that make Windows 10 an excellent resource for all kinds of computer users. While Windows 10 will eventually give way to Windows 11, it is still widely used by many people and businesses. There should still be robust support for it for many more years. Until then, people can enjoy the above features and have the best experience while using their computers. Windows 10 Download. Developer :. Through her articles, users can always easily get related problems solved and find what they want.

In spare time, she likes basketball, badminton, tennis, cycling, running, and singing. She is very funny and energetic in life, and always brings friends lots of laughs. Facebook Twitter Linkedin Reddit.

About The Author. Alisa Follow us. User Comments : Post Comment. Ricotta is a creamy white, mild, fresh cheese with a soft texture and a slightly sweet flavor. It can be eaten as is, with salt, pepper and fresh herbs added to it. However Ricotta is more commonly used in Italian Desserts and Pastas. It is delicious in salads, dips and works well with honey, berries, tangerines, melon etc. RRO Dairy offers an assortment of fresh tasting and spreadable cream cheeses, made from pure cream.

It has the sweetness of honey with a crunch of walnut bits, that make it a scrumptious delight when used in the preparation of Cheesecakes, Dips, Pastry, Bagels and Donuts. This cream cheese is infused with an excellent balance of garlic and chives that you will greatly enjoy with your family and friends. Mascarpone is an Italian Cheese from the Lombardy region, used in both sweet and savory dishes. It has the quality of enhancing flavor without overwhelming the original taste.

It is an essential ingredient for making Italian recipes like Tiramisus and Cheesecakes. This is a fresh Italian cheese that has a rich milky, buttery flavor, which oozes out a thick cream when sliced into. The flavor and different textures inside and outside make it go well with pastas, salads, crusty breads, and fresh chopped tomatoes, olive oil and cracked black pepper.

Feta is a fresh pickled curd cheese, made from pasteurized milk, often available in loaf shape. It has a maturation period of 2 months, and has a tangy salty taste enhanced by brine solution. Scamorza Bianca is elastic, stringy and has less moisture than Mozzarella. The flavor is more piquant, milky and creamy. Scamorza is an Italian cheese made from cow’s milk.

It has a subtle, smoky flavor with a sweet, light caramel note. Used as a substitute for Mozzarella, it is best known for flavouring baked dishes. It has a fine nutty taste with a smoked aroma. Its main characteristic is of moderate melting when grated, which makes it suitable for use in any recipe.

It can be cubed, sliced or grated as required. Its texture and flavor makes it adaptable for use in any dish. Grated smoked cheese melts moderately lower than pizza cheese but higher than processed cheddar , hence suitable for multi-culinary use.

It can be cubed, sliced or grated as needed. It can be used as stuffing in Spanish Piquillo Peppers, Sea Shells or can be paired with omelets and scrambled eggs. Used especially for pizzas it is one of the most popular cheeses for preparing a variety of recipes, including salads, meats, seafood, and vegetables.

It is ideal for both Indian and Mediterranean cooking. You will experience soft, silky glowing skin with regular olive oil massage. With the highest percentage RRO Tildil is obtained by cold pressing quality white sesame seeds, using modern methods that help retain its rich sesame flavour. It is considered a healthy cooking medium because of it is rich with well-balanced nutrients like protein, calcium, iron and vitamins.

With an SPF of 4 it provides great sun screen protection, healing and softening skin. Obtained from first cold pressing of the finest quality mustard seeds, RRO Mastdil is filtered to retain its naturally sharp flavour and pungent aroma.

A natural preservative, it makes an ideal choice for pickles, sauces, chutneys and marinades, helping retain their freshness and flavour. It is by nature stable, with a high smoking point, and serves as a healthy, all purpose cooking medium, great for deep-frying and safe to reuse.

Whether you choose quick cooking or jumbo, health benefits remain the same, it is simply a matter of preference. Jumbo oats have larger flakes and more bite, with a longer cooking time taken. Delicately flavoured with nutmeg, saffron and cardamom, enriched with almonds and pistachios, RRO Shrikhand is available in three exotic and classic flavours — Badam Pista, Kesar and Elichi. Naturally produced RRO Ghee is nutrient dense with multiple health benefits.

Highly valued in Ayurveda as an essential super food it is versatile and can easily replace butter and other cooking mediums in a variety of foods. A fresh, stringy textured cheese of porcelain white colour, it has an extremely thin rind and a delicate taste. Wherever it is used, it succeeds in adding that extra touch of uniqueness.

Use it in Pastas, Salads, Pizzas, Caprese, or enjoy fresh on toast, with chopped fresh tomatoes and Mazzetti Balsamic vinegar or Cremoso sauce.

