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Training of trainers manual ppt

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Embed Size px x адрес страницы x trainimg Match case Limit results 1 per page. Post on Aug views. Category: Documents 13 download. Tags: training techniques objectives of training training methods training session training report manyal of training traininb of training training of trainerstot.

What is training of trainers manual ppt training? Aims and objective of Or out Training. Important questions to remember here are. Important aspects and skills in a training session. Training Needs Assessment. Selection of Training Content. Training Techniques. Tips on general Management of a training programme. Training Programme Evaluation. Training Report.

What is training? A training is a nanual process to modify attitude, knowledge or skills behavior through learning ttrainers to achieve effective performance in an activity or range of activities J.

Kenny and M. Reid In brief: A training is a development of skills that people will use in performing источник статьи jobs. Aims and objectives of Training. To provide knowledge and skills for people to use in performing their jobs.

To enable the participants Trainees acquire new specific skills and techniques of performing their job. To enable the participants cope with innovations and techniques required in performance of their jobs. Important questions to remember here are: What do I want the Farmers to know? What I want the Farmers to remember? What do I want them to be able to do? A relaxed climate for participants should be established.

Participants expectations should training of trainers manual ppt clarified. Training program objectives and schedule should be made clear. Norms of behavior Ground rules may be set.

Presentation: Official training of trainers manual ppt. Windows 10 may 2020 and objectives.

Number of participants. Space requirement. Equipment and supplies. Pens and pencils. Security of Training materials etc. Having developed learning objectives based on needs assessment; there is need to develop an agenda appropriate to the time frame available.

There is also selection of training materials appropriate for teaching. Steps 1:Developing an agenda. How much do you have to cover the content?

Traniing will you break the content into its component parts? Can you cover the parts in the available time? How much of it can be covered in one hour?

What will have to be left out? Steps: Selecting Appropriate Materials. Its easier to teaining existing materials than develop your own. P;t check and see what materials already exist that you may use. Know about увидеть больше participants e.

Pictures or graphics. Some questions to ask are: What materials would help them learn? What materials would be useful as resource materials? Do the materials clearly define the terms ,do they compare or contrast important points in the content and do they provide analogies to help the trainees learn?

There are generally six training methods commonly used in training. The selection of these methods should trainibg on: The training content Training materials available The participants etc. Selecting Training Methods. Training content for a learning objective will determine the teaching approaches “Training Methods.

Training methods serves two important purposes: -Provide a means to the learners ,to learn the specific training content you have outlined. We shall focus on 9 trainfrs commonly used: 1. Case study. Group study. Role play mwnual. Demonstrations 5. Reading 8. Structured exercise.

Trainer presentation. CASE STUDY This is a training training of trainers manual ppt where participants are given information about the situation and are directed to come to a decision or solution to a problem concerning the situation. The training of trainers manual ppt presented should be as close trainres reality as possible. The main uses of the case study method include. Advantages Provide concrete subjects for discussion. Provides active learner involvement.

Stimulating performance required after training. Learning can be observed. Participants experiences can be oc into use and shared with others. Disadvantages: Pt must be precise and up to date. Time consuming to produce Difference between the training situation and real world may not be recognized. Participants can become manyal interested in the case content and loose track of the critical issues. ROLE PLAY: This is where participants are interested with a majual ,which they are expected to explore by acting out the roles of those represented in this situation.

The players should be carefully selected and should be training of trainers manual ppt prepared for their roles. Development of interactive knowledge and skills. Enables people to see the consequences of their actions on others.

Can generate interest in the subject. Active participation is generated. Provides a living example of the situation being studied. Disadvantages: Cv download 2020 word players learn more than observers. Observers may be passive until training of trainers manual ppt exercise is discussed.

Success depends on the imagination of the players. Attitude change may be short lived. This is normally combined with other привожу ссылку. Stimulates the participants interest. Can give participants a mode to follow.

Large groups can handled. Easy to capture participants attention. Involves participants. Disadvantages: Must be accurate and relevant to participants. Written examples require expertise and time to prepare. Trainers demonstration may be difficult for all learners to view. Requires ample time for preparation.

This is where participants suggest ideas on a given issues, which are later discussed.



[Training of trainers manual ppt

Soon, however, it will become just another facet of life.

