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There are some slight differences between the Atmel and Lattice devices. Some programming hardware works with one but not the other, and I had assumed that the fuse map JED file would be incompatible as well. This turned out to be incorrect. Galette is written in Rust, and available only as source code at the time of writing.

The instructions for setting up Rust are online here. I found that this was simply the assembler version being different, plus a trailing number maybe a checksum? I then took one of the test outputs, and tried writing it to a device. With failed tests, checksum errors, firmware version mismatch and device ID mismatch, I was not expecting this to work. I used a multimeter to check that it was drawing a reasonably low current about 7 mA.

In previous experiments , these chips had made a lot of heat when programmed incorrectly. The command I am using to program this chip is:. I have some ideas for using programmable logic to extend my based computer , so I wanted to test tri-state output. The previous test only used combinatorial output, where each pin is set high or low according to a logic function.

This would allow me to connect it to the 8-bit data bus on my home-built computer. Tri-state outputs are suffixed with. General Information. Search our site. EXE Download setupex. You will need a Serial Number before you can run this application. Please Register here to obtain the number. ZIP Download atwcpl After downloading this file you must Register to get key number before use.

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Wincupl software free download


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Wincupl software free download


I recently found an opportinity to test-run an open-source alternative, galette , and this blog post is a few notes about how it went. There are some slight differences between the Atmel and Lattice devices. Some programming hardware works with one but not the other, and I had assumed that the fuse map JED file would be incompatible as well. This turned out to be incorrect. Galette is written in Rust, and available only as source code at the time of writing.

The instructions for setting up Rust are online here. I found that this was simply the assembler version being different, plus a trailing number maybe a checksum? I then took one of the test outputs, and tried writing it to a device. With failed tests, checksum errors, firmware version mismatch and device ID mismatch, I was not expecting this to work. I used a multimeter to check that it was drawing a reasonably low current about 7 mA.

In previous experiments , these chips had made a lot of heat when programmed incorrectly. The command I am using to program this chip is:. I have some ideas for using programmable logic to extend my based computer , so I wanted to test tri-state output. The previous test only used combinatorial output, where each pin is set high or low according to a logic function.

This would allow me to connect it to the 8-bit data bus on my home-built computer. Tri-state outputs are suffixed with. T , while outputs suffixed with. I left one output in the combinatorial mode always enabled , to verify that this is being controlled separately for each pin.

The combinatorial output is connected to an LED for testing. This also confirms that D0 is the least-significant bit in the data bus, which I was not sure of before. Your email address will not be published. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email.

Detour: Installing a Rust toolchain Galette is written in Rust, and available only as source code at the time of writing.

Expected JED file doesn’t match the selected device! Declared fuse checksum: 0x87E2 Calculated: 0x87E Checking the source for this file, one of the lines is a simple AND expression. Everything worked, so this open-source replacement is looking good so far. Leave a Reply Your email address will not be published. Next Post Next Building a hardware interrupt controller.

