The Arunachal Pradesh Govern ment has submitted a proposal for a sericulture project worth Rs. 95 cr to the Central Silk Board (CSB), the State’s Commissioner of Textile and Handicraft Tahang Taggu said recently at a farmers’ fair at Sille Sericulture Farm in East Siang District. He urged silk farmers to adopt scientific practices with commercial objectives. The State has prepared a five-year plan for rearing mulberry, eri and muga silk and is fully dependent on Central Government funding to implement the project, he said. Taggu suggested the farmers to take training programmes periodically to gain technical knowledge about sericulture, according to a report. According to SN Gogoi, Scientist at the Regional Sericulture Research Station in Assam’s Jorhat, from the budgetary estimate of Rs. 230 cr for North-Eastern States to run a three-year sericulture project, Rs. 30 cr has been earmarked for a mulberry project in Arunachal Pradesh. He said scientists have recommended S-1635 high yielding mulberry plant for rearing silk breeds SK-6, SK-7 and B-coccon-2 for the State.