Walmart plans to triple exports from India to $10 bn annually

Walmart recently launched a new Vriddhi e-Institute in Agra to provide small businesses in Uttar Pradesh access to skills and competencies to grow in a post-pandemic environment through online and offline channels like Flipkart’s marketplace and Walmart’s international supply chain. With this, Walmart is expanding its Vriddhi Supplier Development Programme towards empowering 50,000 micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) across India for growth.

The program provides MSMEs with specific training to leverage modern commerce and get ready for opportunities in Flipkart’s eCommerce marketplace, the supply chain of Flipkart Wholesale and Walmart’s global sourcing operations, as well as the open marketplace, Walmart said.

The Vriddhi e-Institute in Agra will partner with MSMEs from the state through interactive learning and advanced competency-based training, with personalised feedback and advice.

The curriculum is tailored for the unique challenges and opportunities of local businesses and is offered in Hindi and English. In particular, the e-Institute will focus on empowering skilled artisans and entrepreneurs to expand markets for Agra’s prominent footwear manufacturing and stone carving sectors. Walmart plans to triple its exports from India to $10 bn annually by 2027.
