Indian Minister of State for Textiles Ajay Tamta recently said developing the silk sector as a viable option for livelihood in North-Eastern States is a high priority for his Ministry. He was addressing the three-day 8th International Conference on Wild Silk in Guwahati organised by the International Society for Wild Silk Moths, Japan, and Central Silk Board. India’s North- Eastern States accounts for about 21 per cent of the country’s silk production and produces all four varieties of silk — muga, eri, tassar and mulberry. Muga, known for its golden colour, is found only in that region and Assam owns the geographical indication (GI) tag for that variety. About 3.1 lakh families in Assam are associated with the silk sector, a report quoted State Handloom and Textile Minister Ranjit Dutta as saying. The Centre Government has sanctioned about 24 silk projects worth Rs. 809 cr for the region, Secretary in the Textiles Ministry Anant Kumar Singh said.